About Us

Botpots Christchurch


We are Botpots supplier in the South Island.

You can find our classes at www.potterycapital.com


wife. mother. daughter. friend. ceramicist. anthropologist. entrepreneur. stranger. but not necessarily in that order

She is the distributor of Botpots in Christchurch with the goal of creating an inclusive community based ceramic studio. She has a degree in Bachelor of Arts Major in Anthropology and one of her minors is field Archeology. She grew up with traditional pottery mostly used for ceremonial practices and storage of rice wines made by her grand mother. In school, she joined archeological field sites regarding ceramic production in pre-Hispanic Philippines. Thus, her pottery obsession veers into ethnic/cultural ethnography. Her first modern pottery experience was in 2012 in California. After moving to Christchurch in 2018 she found her way guiding beginners the beauty of playing with clay. She now spends most of her time teaching functional ceramics, selling pottery supplies and at times loading the kil

Ngā Mihi for supporting small business!


We are supporting an indigenous tribe organisation from The Philippines called Mayoyao Artist Guild. This guild is created for Mayoyao fine artist to share ideas, meet other artist to work along side each other. They comprise of poets, weavers, folk singers, folk dancers, fashion ethnic designers and theatre artists. They are a guild that does not want to fit inside a glass slipper but is aiming to break the glass ceiling.

Our Charitable Purpose